Architecture+City Writing

MENG Yan, Wendy Ran WU. Praxis as Thinking, City as Project. T+A. 2022(4)22-29
Meng Yan. From Labyrinth to Stacked Verticality. UED 2018(12) URBANUS • Symbiosis: The Second Decade: 122-125
MENG Yan, LIN Yilin, RAO Enchen . Village/City: Coexistence and Regeneration in Nantou, Shenzhen . TA. 2018(3)58-64
MENG Yan. Interventionist City. Journal of Shenzhen Civil Engineering and Architecture, Issue 2014(4): 37-41
URBANUS @ Shenzhen


Curatorial Writing

· 2017-Shenzhen-Biennale

MENG Yan.  City as Biennale, Exhibition is Action. TA. 2018(4)174-179
Meng Yan. City as Exhibition Venue and Exhibition as Practice. Landscape Architecture 2018(4): 53-59
Meng Yan, Lin Yilin, Rao Enchen. Village/City: Coexistence and Regeneration in Nantou, Shenzhen. TA. 2018(3)58-64
MENG Yan.  Urban | Village: Hybridity and Coexistence 2017
MENG Yan.  Curating in Nantou: A Case of Village/City Coexistence and Regeneration 2017
MENG Yan.  Exhibition Theme and Curatorial Concept 2017

· 2010-EXPO-Shenzhen-pavilion

Meng Yan. Shenzhen • Frontier for China Dreams. UED 2018(12): 314-319
MENG Yan. Shenzhen Pavilion-Exhibition Theme. EXPO 2010 Shenzhen Pavilion Booklet 2010
MENG Yan. Curatorial Concept and Positioning. EXPO 2010 Shenzhen Pavilion Booklet 2010
MENG Yan. Features and Exhibition Design. EXPO 2010 Shenzhen Pavilion Booklet 2010
MENG Yan. Introduction of Exhibits. EXPO 2010 Shenzhen Pavilion Booklet 2010
MENG Yan. Reading the Village • Painting the City-Curatorial Introduction 2017
MENG Yan. Forced Convection 2017