UPRD LOGO w 2017

UPRD is URBANUS’ platform for curation, exhibition, research and design. Rooted in the practice experience and accumulated knowledge of URBANUS, Following URBANUS philosophy, UPRD launched projects in urban design and urban research while searching for the diversity of contemporary architectural practice from an urban perspective. UPRD stands for “URBANUS Platform for Research and Design”, “URBANUS Program, Research and Design” as well as “URBANUS in PRD”.UPRD explored in the urban context represented by Shenzhen and extend to the greater geopolitical context of PRD, stepping into the realm of intervention.With a more extensive scope in urban planning and active architectural practice, UPRD explores a new approach of“Research-led Design”, which sets itself at the frontier of broadening the sphere of the specific architecture and architectural practice in Chinese cities.


Think Tank

As the think tank of URBANUS, UPRDcontinually involvesin designpracticeofthe firm and observes particular if not typical Chinese Urbanization process in the city of Shenzhen. UPRD creates a sophisticated system to accumulate information and knowledge through a combination of research topics and Academic, technical as well as practical resource. It becomes a powerful and global “Brain” to provide intellectual support for URBANUS and cities with Chinese characteristics.


Research-led Design

UPRD generates thoughts and ideas, taking “Practical Solution” as its principle.UPRD emphasizeson applying “Design Thinking”to analyse urban models and concepts as well as gain insights into urban phenomenon. UPRD establishes its own understanding of such models and phenomenon objectively through comprehensive studies on the causeof them whileseeking opportunities and unexpected possibilities in cities. In order to look for ideas, strategies and methods to solve the urban problems, UPRDstudies deeply in several key issues particularly in Shenzhen and other cities in China.The results of these researches become guidelines for design to response experimentally on issues of Chinese urbanism.It then provides effective and feasible proposals for agencies, such as policy makers, developers and public, of those cities.


Praxis OS

UPRD’s architectural practice far transcends the implementation and construction of a project. It moves one step forward toward a more extensive and even unknown area of architectural practice. Instead of focusing on a single building, UPRDseeks broader practices, using a variety of media and means to impact the process of urban development. UPRD opens up a new era and discussion for innovated modes of architectural practice through a constant exploration and experimentation of architectural approaches in terms of establishing social space.